Just what is "2>/dev/null" anyways 🤷‍♂️


2 min read

The expression 2>/dev/null is a common syntax used in Unix-like operating systems (such as Linux) to redirect error messages (standard error) to a special "null device" (which essentially discards the output). Let’s break it down character by character and understand its use, along with examples and alternatives.

Character Breakdown

  1. 2

    • Represents file descriptor 2, which is reserved for standard error (stderr).

    • In Unix systems:

      • File descriptor 0: Standard input (stdin).

      • File descriptor 1: Standard output (stdout).

      • File descriptor 2: Standard error (stderr).

  2. >

    • This is the redirection operator. It is used to direct output from one place to another.

    • In this case, it redirects the output of file descriptor 2 (stderr) to the specified location.

  3. /dev/null

    • A special file in Unix-like systems that discards all data written to it.

    • Often referred to as a "black hole," meaning anything sent to /dev/null is effectively deleted.

Detailed Explanation and Example


2>/dev/null is used to suppress error messages by redirecting them to the null device. This is useful when you want to avoid cluttering your terminal with error messages while running a command.


  1. Without redirection:

     ls nonexistent_file


     ls: cannot access 'nonexistent_file': No such file or directory

    The error message is displayed because the file nonexistent_file does not exist.

  2. With 2>/dev/null:

     ls nonexistent_file 2>/dev/null

    Output: (No output is displayed because the error message is discarded.)

Alternative Commands

  1. Redirect both stdout and stderr:

     ls nonexistent_file &>/dev/null
    • &> redirects both stdout and stderr to /dev/null.
  2. Redirect stderr to a file:

     ls nonexistent_file 2>error.log
    • This saves the error message in a file named error.log instead of discarding it.
  3. Redirect stdout and stderr separately:

     ls nonexistent_file >output.log 2>error.log
    • Stdout is saved to output.log, and stderr is saved to error.log.
  4. Ignore stdout but not stderr:

     ls nonexistent_file > /dev/null
    • Only stdout is discarded; stderr is still displayed.

Use Cases

  • Scripting: Suppressing non-critical error messages to make output cleaner.

  • Silent Execution: Running commands without displaying unnecessary messages.

  • Testing: Ignoring errors temporarily to focus on specific outputs.

By redirecting output effectively, you can ensure that scripts and commands behave in a more predictable or desired manner.

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